Books are meant to inspire. They inform; they entertain; they awaken our emotions; they teach. Through books we become more – we experience our humanity from a new perspective. Books can consume us. We travel to new worlds, live and relive experience, and learn more about ourselves. Books are meant to be devoured and then shared. It is through the gift of sharing that our imaginations form bonds and our reading encounter becomes life experience. So grab a good book and be inspired.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Forgotten Garden - Kate Morton

Kate Morton’s weaving of generational perspective developed an intriguing, if sometimes repetitive, plot. While the mystery at the heart of the tale was not particularly arduous, the intricacies of the characters and the need to feel them succeed generated an emotional attachment and a pressing need to read more. Morton’s narrative illustrated a clear scene of both a past and present English seaside community and a family dynamic polluted with selfishness and resentment. Yet, it is Cassandra’s journey to cope with loss and accept friendship that cements the charm locked both within the plot and the garden of the title.

Book Chick Rating: YYYY